In the 90’s the company Schäfer has entered the market in the field of submarine cable lying.

The first products we supplied for the submarine cable laying were sea cable tanks, which served for the storage of phone and electricity cables. Thus a further division has been founded at Schäfer, namely the container construction. It wasn’t only regarding the cable tanks. Shortly afterwards followed the first cable winders (Sea Mole and jet plough (blades)) for submarine cables. These rinse with water pressure a furrow into the seabed and then lay the submarine cable in the same time, which is then spilled back.

This specialized equipment we are building until nowadays.
Among other things, in 2009 the power cord from St. Peter-Ording to Helgoland has been laid on a length of about 53 Km. with one of our jet plough (blades).
Currently, we provide jet plough (blades), roll sheets, cable trays, sea cable tanks, lifting equipment, cable slides, pulleys, funnels, splice containers and much more.

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